What is EMDR?

Eye Movement Desensitization & Reprocessing is a heavily researched treatment for trauma & other distressing events, along with depression, anxiety, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, and panic disorders.

The process focuses on challenging intrusive and/or stuck memories that impact current functioning and well being. Bilateral stimulation is implemented which helps reprocess and integrate those memories to mitigate their impact on our day to day mental health.

EMDR therapy for trauma

What counts as Trauma?

A lot! There are big T traumatic events, such as sexual assault, abuse, neglect, war/combat, terrorist attack, natural disaster, (and more), and little t traumatic events, such as ongoing criticism or contempt throughout upbringing by primary caregiver, emotional neglect, absentee parents, relational conflicts, financial stressors, infidelity, divorce, planning a wedding (there are many!), et cetera.

Trauma is very much about how the traumatic event has impacted you, no matter what type of trauma it is. Processing the trauma through a trauma narrative or  EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) can help alleviate said symptoms and help you feel as if you have power over your trauma rather than feeling powerless to it.

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